10 REM I was born in 1973 in France
20 REM I discovered computers in 1980
30 REM I coded my first game in 1980
40 VAR computerList = { ‘ZX81’, ‘Apple IIE’, ‘C64’, ‘Amstrad CPC464’, ‘Amstrad CPC6128’, ‘AMIGA’, ‘PCs..’ }
50 VAR mainLanguagesList = { ‘Assembler’, ‘Basic’, ‘LOGO’, ‘C’, ‘C++’, ‘Pascal’, ‘Delphi’, ‘JavaScript’, ‘Python’ }
60 REM I’m paid for coding since 1995
65 REM Mostly to code « serious » software (Traffic management, embeded, databases…)
100 LABEL mainRoutine
110 GOSUB goToWork
120 GOSUB raiseYourChildren
130 GOSUB eat
132 VAR boringLevel = nbYearsCoding(Seriously) – nbYearsCoding(ForFun)
133 IF (boringLevel > 20) THEN GOSUB startMakingAGameAgain
140 GOTO mainRoutine
If you don’t understand that’s okay, you won’t be interested anyway.